healing movies & tv shows

Movies With A Message: Jab We Met

This is a guest post by Ashwini Chube. Ashwini is a Reiki Grandmaster, Angel Teacher & Whisperer, Tarot Card Reader & Teacher, Runes Reader & Teacher, Akashic Records Reader & Healer, Access Consciousness Practioner Bars Facilitator, a CFMW & Consciousness Coach & a Zumba Instructor. She is the founder of Unicorn Insight – a company in Mumbai, India that helps people achieve wellness, abundance, and success. Reach Ashwini at ashwini.chube@unicorninsight.com, https://youtube.com/c/AshwiniChube, https://instagram.com/unicorn_insight?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

Unconditional love is really underrated. And worse, most people do not know what it is. Most people unfortunately never experience it even in spite of being married for years. And some experience it in a short period of time. And yet so many cannot even comprehend it.

It is a brave act to love someone unconditionally without expecting anything in return and yet spread that love all over. Isn’t it?

Well to really understand unconditional love I can only think of one character. And I who used to be a Bollywood buff till about a decade ago can only think of one of the best movies ever made – Jab we Met and Aditya Kashyap. He epitomises the Divine Masculine- unconditional love and that too with absolute grace and dignity 

To summarise – A heartbroken rich business owner Aditya decides to go ‘nowhere’ after his business goes for a toss and after getting his heart broken by his girlfriend getting married to another man. He lands up on a train to meet a vivacious talkative girl Geet. Geet has met the man of her dreams Anshuman and is madly in love with him and on the way to eloping with him and marrying him. And Aditya, though initially irritated by Geet’s chatter befriends her and the events that follow bring Geet and Aditya closer.

Aditya learns how to find happiness and is swept over by the childlike joy of Geet. Geet finally decides to elope with her assumed lover but gets dumped by him and is heartbroken. 

Meanwhile, Aditya thinks Geet is happily married to her lover but embodies true unconditional love by thinking like her. He turns over his business and achieves unbelievable success in just 9-10 months. Later, he gets to know the truth about Geet being dumped by her lover Anshuman.

Aditya brings her back to her home with Anshuman, who returns to Geet after realising she is with the wealthy Aditya Kashyap. After some eye opening events, Geet realises she loves Aditya and not Anshuman. The man gets rewarded for his unconditional love and most important – he is detached to the outcome of the love which he has embodied

Aditya taught us what unconditional love is. Have you ever loved someone so much that it doesn’t bother you if they choose you or not – love you back or not? No, we are not talking about toxic codependent or obsessive unrequited love. Please note that those are totally opposite of unconditional love

Unconditional Love changes you. It is highly transformational and authentic. It can even open your psychic abilities and make you a better person 

There are many lessons to learn from this movie- I can even write a hundred. But here are the learnings from the movie 

  1. Geet taught us what is it to follow your heart, to even make mistakes but live life without regrets. This joyous playful nature of hers makes us smile even on a gloomy day. Are you ready to be joyful?
  2. What you really want will have a way of coming to you:  It is well said – when you love someone set them free – if they come back they are yours and if not they never were. It is so beautifully conveyed by Aditya Kashyap what it is to Love and to let go. What it is to love and spread that love in the world without expecting the other person to reciprocate.
  3. Love does not hold on. It lets go: Aditya Kashyap’s love for Geet is so inspiring. It is pure. He is intoxicated by love but not attached to the outcome. He is in allowance of Geet’s decisions. He doesn’t hold on to her but allows her to choose- to make her choices even if it means not choosing him 
  4. There is life beyond a heartbreak: A heartbreak can be the most devastating thing you can face but it can also be immensely powerful. There is just a one-point switch. A heartbreak can transcend you. The journey of falling in love is beautiful and if you have the right mindset and a healed conscious energy- the journey of falling out of love can be even more enriching for it takes you beyond your tipping point and transforms you beyond. Both Aditya and Geet go through deadly breakups at different points in their life and both use it to transmute their point of view over life. Both come out as more conscious and aware individuals and find their ultimate lovers in each other 
  5. Some relationships don’t work out with someone because it has to work out with another. When we get heartbroken, we feel an immediate sense of loss- but when the right person comes along, we realise why it didn’t work out with anyone else. It only takes patience allowance and being really vulnerable with your own self and the other person . Anshuman dumped Geet only so that she could truly get the love she deserved, the respect she deserved.
  6. Love is the only truth: The truth is Love is like glitter- you can’t stop it from spreading. So, love deeply and unconditionally. Let yourself flow like a river . The song Tumse Hi is so beautifully written and picturised on Aditya lives in love ,rises in love and does not care for a relationship with Geet but instead spreads the love he has for Geet in his life
  7. Love is more courage than romance: Although we all like candlelight dinners, long walks in the rain and roses, love is also a courageous committed act. Committing to someone and opening up to them with the truth builds trust and faith. When Aditya finds Geet is in Shimla, he goes and brings her back home. He does not care whether Geet loves him back or is interested in going back home. I feel in so many Bollywood movies full of glamourising the ‘Toxic Masculine’ – Aditya is a beautiful example of the ‘Divine Masculine’ – who stands up supporting the feminine allowing her to flow like a river 

I think this movie has been an evergreen one. And it is much deeper than what appears on the surface.  I wish more people truly experience love in their life. Here we are not talking about compromised or lukewarm relationships or toxic relationships and marriages- but truly the love that opens your heart and changes you as a person. And whether you have found it or not – Believe in it

Because- Life is an Illusion. Only love is real!

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